Through the Futurama Foundation, the following scholarships are awarded annually to Maine women with financial need. The Scholarship Period opens January 1st of each year. Scholarship awards this year are $3000 each.
The Lemieux-Lovejoy Youth Scholarship
To a high school senior woman who has been accepted into an accredited college or university.
The Jeanne L. Hammond Memorial Scholarship
To any woman in Maine who is a recent high school graduate or career person intent on continuing her education.
The Continuing Education Scholarship
To any woman matriculated at least one year in a college or other educational program.
The Career Advancement Scholarship
To a woman at least thirty years of age continuing in, or returning to, a program of higher education or training, either full-time or part-time.
In addition, two specific scholarships are also awarded annually.
The Kennebec Savings Bank Scholarship
To a female resident of Kennebec County enrolled in a post-secondary education program. No separate application required. Recipient is selected by scholarship committee from applications received from Kennebec County for any of the above four scholarships.
The BPW/University of Maine at Augusta Scholarship
To a single female parent enrolled at UMA. No separate application required. Recipient is selected by UMA scholarship committee.