
BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation

Helping Maine women achieve economic self­-sufficiency

A History of Helping

Since 1962, when the first small scholarship was presented, the Maine Business and Professional Women have helped Maine women achieve economic self-sufficiency by awarding scholarships to outstanding deserving women. The Kennebec Savings Bank has been a sponsor since 2001. Recipients of these scholarships have gone on to take their place in the ranks of working women who contribute to the economic well­-being of their families and the State of Maine.

Ensuring the Future
In 1987, the BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation was established to ensure the continued availability of scholarships. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. The Foundation continues to enhance the BPW tradition of “women helping women.” The BPW/Maine Futurama Foundation maintains an active scholarship program and solicits contributions to fund our scholarships in the future.

Honoring the Past
The Maine Women’s Hall of Fame holds an annual Induction Ceremony. One or two Maine women of achievement have been honored each year since 1990. Each year the ceremony has been held at the University of Maine in observance of Women’s History Month. The photographs and citations are on permanent display at UMA’s Bennett D. Katz Library.